September 29, 2017

Lomba Karya Tulis KAI 72 Tahun : KAI di Masa Mendatang

Penulis : Yesaya Galatia Maranatha

Pada tahun 2017 ini, PT Kereta Api Indonesia genap berusia 72 Tahun, tentunya bukan perjalanan waktu yang singkat. Perkembangan kereta api di Indonesia juga berjalan cukup baik. Kereta api kini menjadi moda transportasi favorit bagi masyarakat Indonesia dikarenakan kereta api memiliki waktu tempuh yang lebih cepat daripada moda transportasi darat lainnya, selain itu juga fasilitas yang cukup nyaman yang di sediakan kereta api. Sekitar tahun 2015 hingga sekarang terasa sekali transformasi kereta api Indonesia, saya adalah penggemar kereta api sejak kecil dimana keadaan sekitar 15 tahun lalu dengan sekarang sudah sangat berbeda. Mulai dari kebersihan dan fasilitas stasiun, kebersihan dan fasilitas dalam kereta api, maupun layanan-layanan lainnya yang disediakan PT KAI pun juga menjadi lebih baik. Namun, PT KAI harus tetap berinovasi demi kelangsungan moda transportasi pemersatu bangsa ini.

October 30, 2016

Scenes That Always Appeared In Horror Movie

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Hello amazing people! Happy Halloween to all of you that celebrate this holiday, dress up in your best costume, do trick or treat or costume party!
Basically in my country there's no such thing like Halloween, but sometimes some public places celebrate it. Halloween is identic with something horror... So today i'll show you some  scenes that always appeared ini Horror Movie! Let's check it out!

October 28, 2016

It's So Addictive! (Pewdiepie's Tuber Simulator Review)

Hi amazing people, welcome back to my blog. If the last post was saying if you have no internet connection or wifi connection you can waste your time with playing an offline game. So guys here i have a recomended games for you. It's free, interactive, you can play it offline, and etc. The game is the "Pewdiepie's Tuber Simulator".
So Pewdiepie's Tuber Simulator actually the 2nd game of famous youtuber named Pewdiepie or Felix Kjelberg. This game was released on Sepetember 29th by Outerminds and also this game is developed by Outerminds. A week after released (CMIIW) this game reached the most downloaded apps on Google Playstore.

October 25, 2016

Things You Shold Do When : No Wi-Fi Connection!

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Hello amazing people i am back...
So guys in this era, internet could be the most important things. Hahaha no kidding, almost everyday we are using it when doing assignment, communicating with friends, searching for something, and etc. Mostly in public places there's wi-fi connection, wkwkw who doesn't love this thing. When we are at aiport, railway station, restaurant, library and etc. But that would be really disturbing when their wi-fi connection is on trouble. Sometimes we got bored right?

October 21, 2016

"Talkin In Circle" Introduction

Hello there amazing people!
As you know, i have changed my previous blog (All About My Life) to Talkin In Circle.
You should be wondering why i named this blog as "Talkin In Circle". As i know, Talkin In Circle means

October 02, 2016

The Big Announcement : Start of something new ...

Okay.. it such a crazy delay. I was a little bit bussy yesterday, but i have already promised to doing this on saturday (yesterday) or maybe sunday ( today). So start from October 2nd 2016

September 28, 2016

Back Again (Big Announcement)

Hello what's up?
It's been a long time this blog kinda dead, hahaha actually no. I was really bussy during my senior year on highschool, and then bussy bcs of my 1st year in university. I am so sorry bcs i never post something here. But now i am back, Saying-mystory is back on bussiness.